일상 Routine

This is Japan! by Eric Testroete

innop541 2010. 8. 21. 14:33

This is Japan! from Eric Testroete on Vimeo.

Pictures here: flickr.com/photos/dutchct/collections/72157611329797313/

OH! the song is LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends from Sound of Silver (I'm not affiliated)

You can buy it here: insound.com/LCD_Soundsystem_Sound_of_Silver__CD/productmain/p/INS34520/

The girl in the video is my beautiful and talented girlfriend: leavesturn.com

출처 : http://vimeo.com/2721992

이쁜 사진 퍼레이드네요. 눈이 피로하신 분은 쉬시길 권합니다!
참고로 동영상 끝까지 똑같은 템포로 사진만 볼 수 있습니다~

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